G. P. Howell
2004-02-08 21:18:32 UTC
A routine that I wrote and maintain for a local Sheriff's office
requires sequential numbers be assigned to each document to be served
as it comes into the office. I had tried several ideas to avoid
duplicating paper numbers before finding Romain's SEQVALUE.CC code,
and thought that it was the answer to my problem.
I had to make a slight change to allow some of these papers to carry
the same paper number -- they do multiple services in the case of
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court summons, and insist that all
must have the same number. In order to do that, I set a flag on the
form and when the SEQVALUE.CC routine runs (now called SEQMULTI.CC
with credit to Romain) after it assigns a number, it checks to see if
the same number is to be used multiple times, and continues until the
next paper requiring a new number is added.
This routine runs on a 15 computer multi user network, with a Windows
2000 file server, where the data files reside. The workstations run
Windows 98 SE.
It worked well when I made the change and installed the new version.
However, I began getting reports that it was again duplicating
numbers, but not all the time.
I am now getting reports that duplicate numbers are generated almost
daily when the two secretaries are working together to enter all the
new papers that have arrived. I suspect Windows and its buffer system
to be the root of the problem, as I have implemented everything I can
think of in my program to rapidly move the new paper number to the
Any ideas on avoiding this problem, other than having only one person
at a time adding new papers? That isn't an option.
Geep Howell
The modified code follows:
* seqmulti.cc
* sub class of Romain Strieff's SEQVALUE.CC
* uses the FORM.MMULTI variable in BIGBOOK to determine whether
* the serial number of a paper should be incremented
* uses the form value FORM.HOWMANY to determine when the routine runs
as written or substitutes the same paper number
// BIGBOOK is the name of my program, from the Big Book that they used
// to handwrite all this information into
* modified by g p howell
* 3/14/03
*-- SEQVALUE.CC.: A SEQUENTIAL value Custom Class Entryfield.
*-- Programmer..: Romain Strieff (CIS: 71333,2147)
*-- Date........: 02/05/1996 Original
*-- ............: 03/08/1997 removed FIELDS bug
*-- Notes.......: Custom entryfield that will fill automatically
*-- ............: with sequential values when issuing
*-- ............: in the form it is placed. Used for InVoice/Order N#
*-- ............: etc where the sequence of the numbers must be
*-- ............: guaranteed.
*-- Written for.: Visual dBASE 5.5a for Windows
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Based on....: AUTOINC.CC from Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
*-- Remarks.....: Your form must use Form.BeginAppend() and
*-- ............: Form.SaveRecord() for the CC to work.
*-- Comment.....: This CC overrides the Forms SAVERECORD() method.
* CLASS SeqValue(F,N) Of Entryfield(F,N) Custom
* classname modified to add multiple number capability
CLASS SeqMulti(F,N) of Entryfield(F,N) Custom
Protect Onopen,When,Speedtip,enabled
This.Speedtip = "SeqMulti Custom Control -- You Can't Edit
This.When = {;Return .F.}
This.Onopen = Class::SeqMultiOnopen
this.enabled =.f.
Procedure Incrementit
*this control MUST have a datalink
If Empty(This.Datalink)
?? Chr(7)
Msgbox("There is no datalink for this control!","ERROR",16)
Return .F.
Endif && Empty(This.Datalink)
*check if it already has a value
If Type("this.value")="N" .And. This.Value > 0
Return .F. && Don't do anything!
Endif && Type("this.value")="N" .And. This.Value
If Type("this.value")="C" .And. .Not. Empty(This.Value)
Return .F. && Don't do anything!
Endif && Type("this.value")="C" .And. .Not. Empty
*-- if table doesn't exist, create it:
*-- check if you don't have any _old_ dbf with the same name!!!
cAlias = Alias()
If .Not. File("SeqValue.DBF")
Select Select() && Next Work Area
*structure has been changed so don't use any old version
Create Table "SeqValue.DBF" (Incfield Char (50),Incvalue;
Use SeqValue Excl &&Use Exclusive To Create Index Tag
set fields off
*create index tag, so that we can use one record for each
*field that needs an incrementing value
Index On Upper(Incfield) Tag Incfield
*close newly created dbf and return to the saved workarea
set fields &sFields.
Select (Calias)
Endif && .Not. File("SeqMulti.DBF")
* making another change here
* on the FIRST instance of the multivalue paper we need a
* number
* but ONLY on the first one.
* use the form.howmany variable to determine which paper this
* is
if form.howmany > 1 .AND. form.mmulti = .t.
* it has gone through the first save process and stored a
unique paper number
* to the database
* now we need to assign the SAME paper number to the next
one until
* the multiple paper routine runs its course
* don't use the database value
* use the same value as prior papers -- multiple paper
this.value = form.papernum
return .f.
else && do the normal routine
*-- open SeqValue.dbf, so we can increment it, then
*-- close it as soon as possible:
*create exact search expression so that we don't have to
*bother with SET EXACT
Select Select() && Next Work Area
Use SeqValue Order Incfield && Open The Table
*wait loop for multiple users the same time
Do While .Not. Flock() && Try To Flock It, If Impossible
Enddo &&Another User Was Faster
*We lock the _file_ instead of the record (RLOCK()) to avoid
*problems when 2 users would try to add a new record to
*the same time for the same table field when used the first
? sFields
set fields off
*search record with this datalink
If Seek(cSeek) &&Ok Record Exist
*increment value
Replace SeqValue->Incvalue With SeqValue->Incvalue+1 &&
*it does not exist, so add a new record
Append Blank
*save datalink to this record and reset the counter
*Here's where the problem could happen if we used record
*instead on file lock, 2 users might add a record the the
Replace SeqValue->Incvalue With 1,Incfield With
Endif && Seek(Cseek) &&Ok Record Exists
Do Case
Case Type("this.value")="N" &&It's a numeric field
*assign numeric value unchanged
This.Value = SeqValue->Incvalue
Case Type("this.value")="C" &&It's a char field
*construct the right picture clause for this field
*@L means leading zeroes
Cpicture ="@L "+Replicate("9",Len(This.Value))
*transform to chr type and lenght
This.Value= Transform(SeqValue->Incvalue,Cpicture)
*the user set the datalink to an illegal type field
?? Chr(7)
Msgbox("SeqMulti.CC only handles N and C datatypes!")
* set up the form.papernum value
form.papernum = this.value
set fields &sFields.
Select (cAlias)
*so we just updated the value, now save it with the rest of
*the changes that were done.
Return .F.
Procedure SeqMultionopen
*set the focus to every SeqMultirement control automatically
*time a navigating occurs in the form
If Type("form.SeqMulti_already_installed")="U"
*do this only once for the first SeqMultirement
*control on the form.
*If the form does not have an overriden Saverecord
*otherwise execute both codes
*save reference to new property and
Endif && (Empty(Form.Onnavigate))
Endif && Type("form.SeqMulti_already_installed")="
Procedure Checkauto
*set focus to each SeqMulti object on the form to check
*if it has a value
*save current control to a variable
*loop through all controls and set focus to all the
*SeqMulti controls
If "SEQMULTI" = upper(Ocontrol.ClassName)
Endif && "SeqMulti" $ Ocontrol.Name
Until Ocontrol.Name==Form.First.Name
*set focus to the control that had it before this loop
requires sequential numbers be assigned to each document to be served
as it comes into the office. I had tried several ideas to avoid
duplicating paper numbers before finding Romain's SEQVALUE.CC code,
and thought that it was the answer to my problem.
I had to make a slight change to allow some of these papers to carry
the same paper number -- they do multiple services in the case of
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court summons, and insist that all
must have the same number. In order to do that, I set a flag on the
form and when the SEQVALUE.CC routine runs (now called SEQMULTI.CC
with credit to Romain) after it assigns a number, it checks to see if
the same number is to be used multiple times, and continues until the
next paper requiring a new number is added.
This routine runs on a 15 computer multi user network, with a Windows
2000 file server, where the data files reside. The workstations run
Windows 98 SE.
It worked well when I made the change and installed the new version.
However, I began getting reports that it was again duplicating
numbers, but not all the time.
I am now getting reports that duplicate numbers are generated almost
daily when the two secretaries are working together to enter all the
new papers that have arrived. I suspect Windows and its buffer system
to be the root of the problem, as I have implemented everything I can
think of in my program to rapidly move the new paper number to the
Any ideas on avoiding this problem, other than having only one person
at a time adding new papers? That isn't an option.
Geep Howell
The modified code follows:
* seqmulti.cc
* sub class of Romain Strieff's SEQVALUE.CC
* uses the FORM.MMULTI variable in BIGBOOK to determine whether
* the serial number of a paper should be incremented
* uses the form value FORM.HOWMANY to determine when the routine runs
as written or substitutes the same paper number
// BIGBOOK is the name of my program, from the Big Book that they used
// to handwrite all this information into
* modified by g p howell
* 3/14/03
*-- SEQVALUE.CC.: A SEQUENTIAL value Custom Class Entryfield.
*-- Programmer..: Romain Strieff (CIS: 71333,2147)
*-- Date........: 02/05/1996 Original
*-- ............: 03/08/1997 removed FIELDS bug
*-- Notes.......: Custom entryfield that will fill automatically
*-- ............: with sequential values when issuing
*-- ............: in the form it is placed. Used for InVoice/Order N#
*-- ............: etc where the sequence of the numbers must be
*-- ............: guaranteed.
*-- Written for.: Visual dBASE 5.5a for Windows
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Based on....: AUTOINC.CC from Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
*-- Remarks.....: Your form must use Form.BeginAppend() and
*-- ............: Form.SaveRecord() for the CC to work.
*-- Comment.....: This CC overrides the Forms SAVERECORD() method.
* CLASS SeqValue(F,N) Of Entryfield(F,N) Custom
* classname modified to add multiple number capability
CLASS SeqMulti(F,N) of Entryfield(F,N) Custom
Protect Onopen,When,Speedtip,enabled
This.Speedtip = "SeqMulti Custom Control -- You Can't Edit
This.When = {;Return .F.}
This.Onopen = Class::SeqMultiOnopen
this.enabled =.f.
Procedure Incrementit
*this control MUST have a datalink
If Empty(This.Datalink)
?? Chr(7)
Msgbox("There is no datalink for this control!","ERROR",16)
Return .F.
Endif && Empty(This.Datalink)
*check if it already has a value
If Type("this.value")="N" .And. This.Value > 0
Return .F. && Don't do anything!
Endif && Type("this.value")="N" .And. This.Value
If Type("this.value")="C" .And. .Not. Empty(This.Value)
Return .F. && Don't do anything!
Endif && Type("this.value")="C" .And. .Not. Empty
*-- if table doesn't exist, create it:
*-- check if you don't have any _old_ dbf with the same name!!!
cAlias = Alias()
If .Not. File("SeqValue.DBF")
Select Select() && Next Work Area
*structure has been changed so don't use any old version
Create Table "SeqValue.DBF" (Incfield Char (50),Incvalue;
Use SeqValue Excl &&Use Exclusive To Create Index Tag
set fields off
*create index tag, so that we can use one record for each
*field that needs an incrementing value
Index On Upper(Incfield) Tag Incfield
*close newly created dbf and return to the saved workarea
set fields &sFields.
Select (Calias)
Endif && .Not. File("SeqMulti.DBF")
* making another change here
* on the FIRST instance of the multivalue paper we need a
* number
* but ONLY on the first one.
* use the form.howmany variable to determine which paper this
* is
if form.howmany > 1 .AND. form.mmulti = .t.
* it has gone through the first save process and stored a
unique paper number
* to the database
* now we need to assign the SAME paper number to the next
one until
* the multiple paper routine runs its course
* don't use the database value
* use the same value as prior papers -- multiple paper
this.value = form.papernum
return .f.
else && do the normal routine
*-- open SeqValue.dbf, so we can increment it, then
*-- close it as soon as possible:
*create exact search expression so that we don't have to
*bother with SET EXACT
Select Select() && Next Work Area
Use SeqValue Order Incfield && Open The Table
*wait loop for multiple users the same time
Do While .Not. Flock() && Try To Flock It, If Impossible
Enddo &&Another User Was Faster
*We lock the _file_ instead of the record (RLOCK()) to avoid
*problems when 2 users would try to add a new record to
*the same time for the same table field when used the first
? sFields
set fields off
*search record with this datalink
If Seek(cSeek) &&Ok Record Exist
*increment value
Replace SeqValue->Incvalue With SeqValue->Incvalue+1 &&
*it does not exist, so add a new record
Append Blank
*save datalink to this record and reset the counter
*Here's where the problem could happen if we used record
*instead on file lock, 2 users might add a record the the
Replace SeqValue->Incvalue With 1,Incfield With
Endif && Seek(Cseek) &&Ok Record Exists
Do Case
Case Type("this.value")="N" &&It's a numeric field
*assign numeric value unchanged
This.Value = SeqValue->Incvalue
Case Type("this.value")="C" &&It's a char field
*construct the right picture clause for this field
*@L means leading zeroes
Cpicture ="@L "+Replicate("9",Len(This.Value))
*transform to chr type and lenght
This.Value= Transform(SeqValue->Incvalue,Cpicture)
*the user set the datalink to an illegal type field
?? Chr(7)
Msgbox("SeqMulti.CC only handles N and C datatypes!")
* set up the form.papernum value
form.papernum = this.value
set fields &sFields.
Select (cAlias)
*so we just updated the value, now save it with the rest of
*the changes that were done.
Return .F.
Procedure SeqMultionopen
*set the focus to every SeqMultirement control automatically
*time a navigating occurs in the form
If Type("form.SeqMulti_already_installed")="U"
*do this only once for the first SeqMultirement
*control on the form.
*If the form does not have an overriden Saverecord
*otherwise execute both codes
*save reference to new property and
Endif && (Empty(Form.Onnavigate))
Endif && Type("form.SeqMulti_already_installed")="
Procedure Checkauto
*set focus to each SeqMulti object on the form to check
*if it has a value
*save current control to a variable
*loop through all controls and set focus to all the
*SeqMulti controls
If "SEQMULTI" = upper(Ocontrol.ClassName)
Endif && "SeqMulti" $ Ocontrol.Name
Until Ocontrol.Name==Form.First.Name
*set focus to the control that had it before this loop